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The Natural Gas Advantage

If you’re currently dependent on fuel oil or propane, making the switch to natural gas is not only cost effective, but the smart choice.

The Safest Choice

Natural Gas is lighter than air, meaning small leaks dissipate quicker than similar volume propane leaks.

Being a gas, rather than a fluid, also means natural gas won’t cause messy spills or possible ground contamination.

Constant Supply

Natural gas is always there. No waiting for a delivery, or worrying about running out in bad weather.

This also means no huge bills at delivery, easier budgeting and aggregate billing options that spread payments over the whole year.

Lower Costs

No matter if it’s for home, industrial or agricultural use, natural gas is the lowest cost option.

Components of Natural Gas Pricing

Each gas price is made up of 2 pieces: the natural gas cost as listed on the New York Mercantile Exchange and the transportation charges.

Find out how you can convert natural gas prices to different units.


Cost Comparison

Savings for residential customer is 25%

Commercial/ Agricultural

Cost Comparison

Savings for commercial customer is 31%

Natural Gas
Natural gas heat value: 1,000 CF.= 1 MCF = 1 Million BTU
Sample residential natural gas price: $12.22 / MCF
Propane heat value: 10.917 Gallons Propane = 1 Million BTU
Sample propane cost:

$1.50 / Gallon x 10.917 = $16.38 / MCF

Natural Gas Cost Equivalent

Natural Gas
(Commercial / Agricultural)
Natural gas heat value: 1,000 CF. = 1 MCF = 1 Million BTU
Sample commercial natural gas price: $9.46 / MCF
Commercial / Agricultural)
Propane heat value: 10.917 Gallons Propane = 1 Million BTU
Sample propane cost:

$1.25 / Gallon x 10.917 = $13.65 / MCF

Natural Gas Cost Equivalent